Monday, July 07, 2008

Postcards from the Edge

I thought I would update everyone on how Mom is doing. She had surgery last week to remove her esophageal cyst (although the cyst ended up being located right at the junction of her stomach and esophagus). She came home from the hospital last Wednesday and has so far been doing fine, although I think she is a bit surprised at how slow the recovery process has been. To be fair, the Doctor did tell her it would take approximately 6 weeks.

She is not able to eat solid food yet, her stomach and esophagus are still too swollen, but has been getting along fine on pudding, yogurt, jell-o, rice pudding, and various pured items such as tuna and pasta salad. Oh, and Vicodin. Gotta love the pain killers.

Anyway, she is hanging in, and while I think she is starting to get tired of feeling icky, every day she gets a little better. And she has a pretty cool incision midway down her chest, like Frankenstein! Just one more battle scar to talk about at dinner parties. ;o)

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