Finally, after all those months of anticipation the moment of truth has come. I passed the bar! I am not a complete waste of space after all. And the best part, all my friends passed too! Now there will be no Un!Comfortable! moments followed by the inevitable
Here's a quick recap of the day's events:
Last night 10:55pm: Turn off my light and "try" to sleep. Stomach starts churning and I resist the urge to puke. How the hell am I going to sleep? Eventually exaustion wins out and I'm out.
2:00am: I dream of scrolling down the online list of who passes and find my name is not there. Noooooooo!
3:47am: I wake up with a start. My heart is beating like it could break my chest (yes, that was a Spike shout-out). I look at the clock and wonder how I am going to get back to sleep. Again, exaustion wins out.
5:55am: My alarm clock goes off and (again) wake with a start. D day is here!
5:57am: I check the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners website in the vain hope something has been posted. Nope.
8:00am: Arrive at work and check the website, no luck.
8:01am-12:00pm. Check the website every 20-30 minutes. No dice. At this point I am very nervous, nah, I am TOTALLY WIGGING OUT.
12:25pm: I break out in an itchy rash. Lovely.
1:22pm: On my way to drop a case off for the judge I check the website one more time. Holy shit, the results are up! pulse starts racing, I frantically scroll down to the Rs...where is my name?? THERE IT IS, I PASSED!!!!!
1:23pm: Call everyone I know and tell them. Followed by running around the office telling everyone I see. They don't seem too thrilled, clearly, they took the Maryland Bar which everyone knows is easier. Slackers.
5:30pm: Get home. Mom bought me cookies!!
7:30: I go to Moe's house to drink champagne, eat chinese food, and congratulate my fellow test takers. Yay for us!
And that draws to an end what could have been one of the crappiest days in my life. Instead, it was one of the best. All that hard work paid off!!