Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tryptophan, HO!

Thankgiving has come and gone, and the holiday season is now in full swing. I wish I could say the spirit of the season is upon me, but to be honest, it doesn’t feel like almost-Christmas at all. Maybe it has something to do with the upheaval from my moving into my own place and my lack of decorations, but I just can’t jump on board the Xmas train. Perhaps I will put up some Christmas lights or something tonight. That will help.

So turkey day and the Amanda invasion of 2006 has come and gone. For those of you not keeping up with the intimate details of my life 24-7, my brother has been dating my good friend from high school Amanda for almost a year now. While this has resulted in its moments of weirdness for me, Amanda spent the entire week with the Riley clan for Thanksgiving and I am very happy to say she fit right in (although she is a bit more normal than the rest of us) and it wasn’t weird at all. In fact, it seemed strangely normal to have her there. What if she and my brother get married?? That would be kinda cool actually, but I hope they don’t do the married couple joined-at-the-hip thing. I love Amanda, but I also like spending quality sibling time alone with my brother. I was talking to my Grandmother about it, and I think I figured out that Bill and I are so close because when we were kids with our parents being divorced, we spent so much time being shuffled around together and we were always there for one another. When we weren’t fighting that is. So I need my Bill alone time. But between the two of us girls, Bill will be the sharpest dressed engineer at Ford, or wherever he ends up working.

Currently Reading: “Bridge to Terabithia” by Katherine Paterson

Currently Watching: Veronica Mars rape case finale! Best show on tv, y’all.

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