Monday, September 21, 2009


When they called me last week, the contractors said they would be here "Monday morning."

When they called me this morning they said it would be between 11 and 12.

And now it's 1:15 and NOBODY IS HERE.

Maggie = not happy cats.

I have a schedule to keep people! I need to call my condo insurance guy, call Sony to have them help me fix something on my computer, go shopping for tile for a backsplash, and get a food processor. And I cannot do any of these things when I am sitting here trying to keep off the phone in case the workers arrive and need to be buzzed in!


UPDATE: Ok, the guy showed up almost immediately after I posted this, but still. My anger has faded somewhat with the joy of having my sink and working dishwasher back. I can do dishes! And cook! Now if I could only decide what kind of tile to get for the back splash...

1 comment:

  1. Booo! Something similar happened with me and the RCN guy. And then we he showed up to the rescheduled appointment, he had the gall to imply that I was the one at fault.
